
View Calendar of Current Opportunities

Iowa Awardees

Click here for a description of current and past NASA EPSCoR Award recipients in the state Iowa.

National NASA EPSCoR Opportunities

*Please continue to check our Announcements page for current EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Calls from NASA, as they are periodically released.

          Rapid Response Research (R3) Opportunity

          International Space Station (ISS) Flight Opportunity

Suborbital Flight Opportunity (SFO)

          EPSCoR Research Award

Please consult this guide as you consider a proposal: NASA EPSCoR Proposal Guide

Other NASA Funding Opportunities (non-EPSCoR)

Click here for the complete NSPIRES solicitations page for NASA opportunities that are not funded through the EPSCoR program.

Iowa NASA EPSCoR Opportunities

The opportunities funded through our Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Grant include the following:

         Research Development Symposia (RDS)

         Research Building Seed Grants (RBSG)

         Partnership Development Travel Grants (PDTG)

RID Expectations and Outcomes

To develop long-term, self-sustaining, nationally competitive capabilities in NASA related research in Iowa, the RID awardees are expected to apply for grants to NASA and non-NASA related funding sources. Further, recipients are expected to increase the research infrastructure via conference presentations and publications.  

The Iowa NASA EPSCoR program is managed by the Director under the oversight of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which provides assistance, consultation, evaluation and advice to the Director. The TAC is comprised of members from the research community, government and industry.

View the Iowa NASA EPSCoR Technical Advisory Committee