Research Building Seed Grants (RBSG)

Release Date: August 6, 2024
Proposals Due: September 11, 2024

Opportunity Now Closed.

Awards Announced: September 20, 2024
Period of Performance: September 18, 2024 – August 12, 2025
Progress Report Due: June 7, 2025
Final Report Due: September 16, 2025

RBSG Description

The Iowa NASA EPSCoR Research Building Seed Grant (RBSG) program encourages, supports, and facilitates the development and enhancement of NASA relevant science and engineering research within the State of Iowa. Funding is intended to build research infrastructure and help Iowa’s academic faculty establish NASA collaborations in order to become nationally competitive for NASA EPSCoR research funding.

Research projects must be in an area that is aligned with a new or continuing NASA research priority or technology need, and the proposal narrative must make an explicit connection with NASA and NASA Mission Directorate’s goals and objectives as identified in NASA  2018 (or current) Strategic Plan and the STEM Education Strategic Plan-2018. The research agenda of the Iowa NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development program supports the goals and objectives of the state as determined by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The relevant economy sectors for the RBSG include Advanced Manufacturing and Biosciences.

RBSG awards are intended to initiate new or ongoing research collaborations with NASA, and will allow the PI to begin conducting research important to the Agency, and support graduate or undergraduate students to develop preliminary data for research and thereby become more competitive for additional funding in the future. Recipients of this grant will be expected to submit concept papers in the next round of Iowa NASA EPSCoR competitions, and propose to national NASA EPSCoR funding opportunities. Awardees are also encouraged to propose for other federal funding as well as private funding from industry. The RBSG proposal should include detailed plans for establishing or strengthening links with NASA researchers. A communication from the NASA researcher that the proposed work is of interest to NASA is required.

This grant will promote junior faculty from academia, as well as researchers from industry and government agencies in Iowa.


  • Funds may be used to support a Research Building Seed Grant up to $30,600, which includes required indirect charges at ISU. Grants awarded to other institutions will be allowed to charge institutional rates as determined by the awardee’s institution’s policy. Grant amount may not exceed $30,600 total, including all IDC amounts.
  • RBSGs require a 50% cost share match from non-federal sources.
  • Faculty must conduct virtual or in-person meetings with NASA collaborators. Funding may be used for travel to NASA Center, if possible due to potential future changes in visitor restrictions at the centers.
  • The NASA collaborator may provide a statement of commitment agreeing to host the faculty member if selected and travel restrictions are lifted, and a general description of the type of work the faculty member will assist NASA in advancing.
  • Description of possible intra-state or industry collaboration opportunity and connection to Iowa’s Economic Development goals is required.
  • Recipients of RBSG award are expected to submit proposals to National NASA EPSCoR competitions in the next year’s cycle.
  • Funds may be used for graduate or undergraduate student salary support and/or tuition. In support of students, we strongly encourage the involvement of the student in the NASA collaboration. NASA expects efforts toward a diverse, inclusive, and equitable student selection.


PIs from any of Iowa’s higher educational institutions, industry, or governmental agencies are eligible to apply. This grant will promote junior faculty from academia, as well as researchers from industry and government agencies in Iowa, who do not yet have strong connections to NASA collaborators.

Proposal Submission

Uploaded proposal consisting of the following items should be submitted no later than Sept 11, 2024 to: RBSG Submission

  • A research proposal limited to five pages of text that describes the technical and scientific merit, NASA connections to NASA and STEM strategic plans, and links to the NASA Mission Directorates.
  • A budget (Please use provided templates found here: ISU Seed Grant Budget template, Subaward (non-ISU) Seed Grant Budget template, or budget format approved by your institution) with a justification for each line item. For projects that contain support for graduate students, salary and fringe rates must mirror current guidelines set by their institution.
  • A two-page vitae of the Principal Investigator (not included in page count)
  • A letter or email of support to collaborate from a NASA Center counterpart (not included in page count)

Award Restrictions and Unallowable Expenses

  • Foreign travel
  • Equipment
  • Bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination with China or any Chinese-owned company or entity, whether funded or performed under a no exchange of funds arrangement.
  • Facility renovations
  • Civil-service personnel labor or travel
  • Promotional materials

To download the RFP, click here. To view the scoring rubric, click here.

Click here for more resources to help in preparing your proposal.