Partnership Development Travel Grants (PDTG)

Release Date: September 12, 2024
Awarded on an ongoing basis until funds are depleted. 

Period of Performance: September 22, 2024 – August 23, 2025
Final Report Due: September 30, 2025

PDTG Description

The specific goals and objectives of Iowa NASA EPSCoR include improving research connections between Iowa researchers and NASA collaborators. To increase Iowa’s ability to respond to the technology needs within the NASA Mission Directorates, the Partnership Development Travel Grant (PDTG) allows travel to visit collaborative centers and attend meetings. You must first complete the NASA Collaboration Request if you have not yet found a NASA collaborator.

The goal of the PDTG is to provide funds through the Iowa NASA EPSCoR program to build a broad cadre of researchers and industry through support of travel to bring together intra-state scholars to better exchange ideas, explore emerging research areas, and to work more effectively with NASA Centers, industry, other research organizations in the Iowa jurisdiction.

PDTGs up to $7,650 (including all IDC amounts) will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funding is expended per year. Proposed travel objective should utilize NASA relevant themes or emerging NASA developed technology. Examples of activities that will be supported through this program include, but are not limited to, organizing or attending a NASA-relevant meeting, conference, or workshop. Recipients of this grant will be expected to submit proposals in the next round of Iowa NASA EPSCoR and/or NASA EPSCoR competitions.

The research agenda of Iowa NASA EPSCoR also supports the goals and objectives as determined by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The relevant economy sectors for the PDTG include Advanced Manufacturing and Biosciences.

This grant will support faculty from academia, as well as researchers from industry and government agencies in Iowa.  The PDTG proposal should include plans for establishing or strengthening links with NASA researchers and fellow Iowa researchers.


  • Funds may be used to support a Partnership Development Travel Grant up to $7,650, which includes required indirect charges at ISU. Grants awarded to other institutions will be allowed to charge institutional rates as determined by the awardee’s institution’s policy. Grant amount may not exceed $7,650 total, including all IDC amounts.
  • PDTGs require a 25% cost share match from non-federal sources.
  • Funds may be used to travel to NASA Centers to allow in-person collaborative engagement, host or attend meetings within Iowa to network with fellow researchers, or other forms of collaboration that promote the establishment of a new or ongoing research collaboration building long-term relationships with NASA and other in-state colleagues.  It is also an effective way to bring NASA experience to the university for use in future proposals, collaborations, Annual Research Development Symposium, and the classroom.
  • NASA Collaboration Requests  – Click here to complete so our office can assist in the search.
  • Opportunity released September 12, 2024, funded on an ongoing basis until funds are depleted.
  • Period of Performance: September 22, 2024 – August 23, 2025
  • Final Report Due: September 30, 2025
  • Funds may be used for faculty salary support and travel.
  • If your institution allows, waived indirect costs may be used as cost share.
  • PDTG awards are intended to initiate new research collaborations in Iowa or with NASA, and to prepare researchers to propose to the much larger NASA research grants. To be eligible, the proposed research collaboration should be new, not be a continuation of existing or past collaborations.

Proposal Submission

Proposal consisting of the following items should be submitted to: PDTG Submission

  • Project Description: maximum 3 pages that describes the technical and scientific merit, NASA connections to NASA and STEM strategic plans, links to the NASA Mission Directorates, and how this award will impact future NASA proposals.
  • A budget with a justification for each line item (not included in page count). Match requirement is 25%. Indirect rate for your institution must be charged to both NASA and cost share amounts. Please work with your institution to create your budget. Budget may be submitted as a separate excel document when uploading proposal documents. Please submit the proposal budget in the following format: ISU travel budget, Subaward (non-ISU) travel budget.
  • A 2 page CV of the Principal Investigator (not included in page count)
  • A letter of support to collaborate from a NASA Center counterpart is required if visiting a NASA Center. (not included in page count).
  • If you are a foreign national or non-US citizen, please have your collaborator note in their letter that you have received initial approval to visit the NASA Center.

PDTG Review Criteria: Total Score (100 points)

  • Scientific and technical merit (25 points): Project is capable of making a significant contribution to the discipline.
  • Demonstrable support of NASA Mission (15 points): Proposal makes a clear case for the project advancing the research agenda of NASA and adds value to ongoing programs.
  • Demonstrable support of NASA Mission Directorates (15 Points): Proposal makes clear connection to one or more mission directorates and current research and/or mission needs
  • Aligns with STEM goals of Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) (15 points): Proposal serves the STEM goals of Iowa and IEDA in the areas of advanced manufacturing and/or biosciences.
  • Budget and Justification (15 points): Budget is clear and appropriate for scope of work and meets the budgetary guidelines.
  • Personnel (15 points): PI and other team members have the expertise and capacity to successfully complete proposed work.


  • Foreign travel
  • Permanent equipment (>$5,000) or general-purpose equipment may NOT be
  • Civil-service personnel labor or travel
  • Promotional materials
  • Proposals shall not include bilateral participation, collaboration, or coordination with China or any Chinese-owned company or entity.
  • NASA EPSCoR has no citizenship requirements, but it should be noted that foreign nationals (individuals who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent residents) are not normally allowed access to NASA facilities.

To download the RFP, click here.

Click here for more resources to help in preparing your proposal.