All posts by Hailey Waller

REMINDER NOI Due to Iowa NASA EPSCoR Offices October 1st for R3 Award Proposals


NASA EPSCoR has released the FY2023 NOFO for the Rapid Response Research award.

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM), in collaboration with the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Planetary Science Division, Earth Science Division, Biological and Physical Sciences Division, Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), and the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) Commercial Space Capabilities Office (CSCO), along with the Marshall Spaceflight Center (MSFC), Goddard Spaceflight Center (GSFC), and the Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO), solicits proposals for the fiscal year 2023 NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Rapid Response Research (R3) program.

To view the CAN in its entirety: FY2023 R3 CAN

Eligibility: Jurisdictions that are EPSCoR eligible are able to compete. Each jurisdiction is allowed to submit 6 proposals for this solicitation. If there are more than 6 proposers that intend to submit to the call, the Iowa NASA EPSCoR Technical Advisory Committee will select the stronger proposals for submission. Submit Notice of Intent here: R3 NOI,  by  October 1st, 2022. 


NASA EPSCoR FY2023 Research Award NOFO Released Apply Now!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Office of STEM Engagement, in cooperation with NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), Human Exploration & Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD), Science Mission Directorates (SMD), the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), and NASA’s nine Centers, plus the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), solicit proposals for the NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).

The National NASA EPSCoR solicitation was released on August 18th, 2022, with a single strong full proposal due from Iowa on November 16th, 2022. To allow sufficient time to select and develop this proposal, the Iowa NASA EPSCoR office solicits for pre-proposals in advance of the CAN release and proposal due date. Based on past CAN solicitations, no significant changes are anticipated. The selected proposal will be submitted by the Iowa NASA EPSCoR office to NSPIRES.


Each funded NASA EPSCoR proposal is expected to establish research activities that will make significant contributions to NASA’s strategic research and technology development priorities and contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science and technology capabilities of higher education, and economic development of the jurisdiction receiving funding. There are 28 jurisdictions in NASA EPSCoR, each of which is allowed to submit one proposal for this Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN).

View the full RFP and NASA EPSCoR FY2023 Research Award.

Proposals Now Being Accepted For Research Building Seed Grants FY2023

 The Iowa NASA EPSCoR Research Building Seed Grant (RBSG) program encourages, supports, and facilitates the development and enhancement of NASA relevant science and engineering research within the State of Iowa. Funding is intended to build research infrastructure and help Iowa’s academic faculty establish NASA collaboration in order to become nationally competitive for NASA EPSCoR research funding.

Research projects must be in an area that is aligned with a new or continuing NASA research priority or technology need, and the proposal narrative must make an explicit connection with NASA and NASA Mission Directorates goals and objectives as identified in NASA 2018 Strategic Plan and the STEM Education Strategic Plan – 2018. The research agenda of the Iowa NASA EPSCoR Economic Development program supports the goals and objectives of the state as determined by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The relevant economic sectors for the RBSG include Advanced Manufacturing and Biosciences.

RBSG awards are intended to initiate new or ongoing research collaborations with NASA, and will allow the PI to begin conducting research important to the Agency, as well as support graduate or undergraduate students to develop preliminary data for research. Recipients of this grant will be expected to submit concept papers in the next round of Iowa NASA EPSCoR competitions, and propose to national NASA EPSCoR funding opportunities. The RBSG proposal should include detailed plans for establishing or strengthening links with NASA researchers.

Four Proposals will be selected for $20,000 dollars each. Proposals Due by Sept. 9, 2022. Awards will be announced Sept. 16th, 2022.

View more details and Apply Now 

NASA Selects Four Iowa Research Proposals for EPSCoR Funding

The Iowa Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)  is a federal-state partnership aimed at increasing Iowa’s national research competitiveness and building research and development capacity in Iowa. The Rapid Response Research(R3) funding is a collaborative effort between NASA EPSCoR programs and NASA mission Directorate Programs, to solve program and mission problems for NASA. The application for funding is an annual competitive process. For the NASA EPSCoR R3 FY2022 funding opportunity three Iowa state researchers and two researchers from the University of Iowa were selected for funding.

Ashraf Bastawrow

Iowa State Department of Aerospace Engineering T.A. Wilson Professor Ashraf Bastawros’ research proposal titled “Deformation and Flow Characterization of Composite Materials for LS-DYNAMIC MAT213 Model” has received funding.



Jun Cui
Todd Kingston

Assistant Professor Todd Kingston of Iowa State’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Professor Jun Cui of Materials Science and Engineering were also among those in Iowa selected for their proposal “Exploiting Hydrodynamic Oscillations of Oscillating Heat Pipes for Thermomagnetic Power Generation from Low-grade Waste Heat”.

Xuan Son

University of Iowa’s Assistant professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering Xuan Song’s research proposal “Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC): Additive Manufacturing of Zirconium Carbide using Pressure-assisted Precursor-Binder Jet” also received funding.


Phillip Kaaret

Professor Phillip Kaaret and Departmental Chair of University of Iowa’s Physics and Astronomy Department received funding for his research proposal “SMD Astrophysics: Proportional Counter for Absolute X-Ray Flux Calibration”


All award recipients will work with NASA representatives for the next year on the selected research proposals.

Interim Director Dr. Sara Nelson states “We are thrilled NASA has chosen three ISU researchers for this award. We look forward to working closely with NASA on these three innovative research proposals.”

The goal of the R3 program is to develop close collaborations among NASA, industry and university faculty to solve specific and current NASA research challenges. For more information on Rapid Response Research opportunities and further funding opportunities through Iowa EPSCoR click here.