Release of NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate – Early Career Faculty

Notices of Intent Due: March 2, 2022

Proposals Due: March 31, 2022

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters has released a solicitation, titled Early Career Faculty (ECF), as an appendix to the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) umbrella NASA Research Announcement (NRA) titled “Space Technology Research, Development, Demonstration, and Infusion 2022 (SpaceTech-REDDI-2022), on February 2, 2022. The solicitation is available at the following link:{BF27BB84-C93F-9D37-4FFE-8790D23AD076}&path=&method=init

The Space Technology Research Grants (STRG) Program within STMD seeks proposals from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of their outstanding new faculty members who intend to develop academic careers related to space technology.

Proposals must address one of the following topics:

Topic 1 – Development of Lightweight Solar Sail Attitude Control Technologies

Topic 2 – Hibernation and Recovery of Solar-Powered Systems for Lunar Missions

Topic 3 – Tailorable Composite Design Concepts towards Dimensionally Stable Structures

Only accredited U.S. universities are eligible to submit proposals on behalf of their outstanding new faculty members who intend to develop academic careers related to space technology. The PI must be an untenured Assistant Professor on the tenure track at the sponsoring U.S. university at the time of award. The PI must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or have lawful status of permanent residency. The PI must be the primary researcher on the effort; Co-Investigators are not permitted. Collaborators (other than NASA civil servants/JPL) are permitted. See the solicitation (Section 3.0) for complete requirements regarding eligibility and for definitions and restrictions regarding collaborators.

A PI may submit only one proposal in response to this appendix.

NASA encourages submission of ECF proposals on behalf of early career faculty members at all U.S. universities and especially encourages proposals on behalf of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities. The financial and programmatic support for ECF comes from the Space Technology Research Grants Program within the Space Technology Mission Directorate. Awards are planned to start in early October 2022. NASA plans to make approximately 6 awards as a result of this ECF solicitation, subject to the receipt of meritorious proposals and the availability of funds. The actual number of awards will depend on the quality of the proposals received; NASA reserves the right to make no awards under this solicitation.


All proposals must be submitted electronically through NSPIRES or through ( by an authorized organizational representative. Notices of Intent are strongly encouraged by March 2, 2022. Proposals are due on or before March 31, 2022. Detailed submission instructions are provided in the solicitation. Potential proposers and their proposing organizations are urged to familiarize themselves with the submission system(s), ensure they are registered in NSPIRES, and submit the required proposal materials well in advance of the deadline.

Technical and programmatic comments and questions may be addressed by email to the Space Technology Research Grants Program Executive, Claudia Meyer, at Responses to inquiries will be answered by email and may also be included in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents located on the NSPIRES page associated with the solicitation; anonymity of persons/institutions who submit questions will be preserved.