Join the NASA Planetary Protection Virtual Discussion

NASA EPSCoR Presents Virtual Research Discussions (ViReD) is a new series of bimonthly meetings (held on select Wednesdays of each month at 3 p.m. Central) designed to introduce university researchers in the 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions to researchers at NASA. The major objectives of these meetings are to 1) ensure NASA EPSCoR researchers around the country are familiar with the research priorities and active projects at NASA, 2) confirm that NASA researchers are familiar with the opportunities NASA EPSCoR funding can offer to their research enterprises, 3) provide a forum for jurisdiction researchers to ask questions regarding potential areas of interest to NASA, and 4) result in high quality collaborative opportunities for both NASA and EPSCoR jurisdiction researchers.


See the flyer for details about the next session being held on Wednesday, February 9th at 3 pm with Nick Benardini and Elaine Seasly of NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection.

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