Registration for NASA Learning Sessions

You are invited to attend NASA’s space exploration plant and plant microbiome learning sessions. Please view the following and register by emailing Andrew Koehnemann ( with your name, email address and sessions you wish to attend.



Space Exploration Plant and Plant Microbiome Learning Sessions

Biological and Physical Sciences is offering a series of one hour virtual learning sessions to promote understanding between  plant scientist, microbiome scientist, hardware designers, space vehicle/ platform designers, and experts on the space environment from LEO, Lunar transit, Lunar orbit, and the Lunar surface.  These sessions are intended to form a community where engineers understand the biological constraints, and scientists understand the engineering and vehicle constraints. Ultimately NASA would like to draw on this community to envision what, how, where, and when science can be achieved over the next decade.  You are invited to join these one hour learning sessions.

In November, after these initial learning sessions, we will be conducting a virtual Workshop to further help develop ideas. NASA is helping the community prepare its input for the next decadal survey that will outline space science goals for plant and plant-microbiomes that will be focusing on multifunctional, transformational research.

We recommend that you attend the sessions that are outside of your core area to gain a broader understanding of the challenges of growing crops in new environments.

  Topic Date Presenter(s)
1 Plant Physiology in Space and Crop Production Oct 1st, Noon to 1:00 PM Ray Wheeler (NASA)

Gioia Massa (NASA)

2 Overview of Current Hardware Capabilities Relevant to Near-Term Plant and Plant-Microbiome Studies in Space Oct 8th, Noon to 1:00 PM Howard Levine (NASA)

Jeffrey T. Richards (LASSO)


3 The Plant Microbiome Oct 15th, Noon to 1:00 PM Ani Dixit (Amentum/LASSO)

Christina Khodadad (Amentum/LASSO)

4 Biotechnology tools for Earth and Space Science Oct 22nd, Noon to 1:00 PM Anna-Lisa Paul (UFL)
5 Space Platforms and the Space Environment Oct 29th, Noon to 1:00 PM Deborah Wells (Amentum/LASSO)